Google to clash on Apple.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Google all set for strike back Apple on its market. Apple which is a strong player in digital publications is going to face google now. Google going to launch digital news stand of e-publications optimised for its Android-based tablets and smartphones.
Hmmm good move by Google for the year 2011, news is that google is in talks with huge media companies like Time Warner inc. etc. and Company even agreed to take a smaller cut in revenues. Wow sounds like Google really wanna take on the rival now.
Google has already announced Google editions last year which allows its users to view, read or download some their fav magazines,books etc. And when looking to new move by google its not a bad move i guess.
Android creator Andy Rubin mentioned about the company activating 300,000 Android devices per day worldwide, and this number is constantly increasing
As it wanted to optimize this feature for Android based tables and smartphones, it is going to be a big impact for Apple and Amazon. Android has rapid growth in the last year and according to Andy Rubin (creator of Android).he says that the company is activating 300,000 Android devices per day worldwide.
So sometime from now, google can be the largest platforms for consumption of e-books and digital content , i belive..
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