Best Gadget Of all time
Friday, January 2, 2009
Guys as technology revolution has taken many shapes and lots and lots of innovations from creative minds of the world in technology. You guys might be looking at some coolest gadgets u might not be imagined. I was thinking like there might be top of the top gadgets of all time in the world of technology.
But i wanted to know which is the best Gadget of all time.
According to sony walkman has been stated as Best Number 1 Gadget of all time.
Now in the present world you might coming accross portable music players that are so cheap and unique.But when the blue and silver Walkman debuted in 1979, no one had ever seen anything quite like it. The $200 player virtually invented the concept of "personal electronics."
First Walkman(also branded as the Stowaway) featured a cassette player and the world's first lightweight headphones. But the as the time passed away sony has done many things to reach their customers. At the present you would really wonder if some one is walking down the street still with huge set of headphones going accross head for listening to the music.There was a huge change in technology but That was first best gadget ever.
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