Worlds Fastest Camera reveiled
Monday, May 4, 2009
This is demonstrated by researchers about their camera. This is the world fastest camera with unimaginable speed. Their camera's "shutter speed" is just a half a billionth of a second, and it can capture over six million images in a second continuously.
Its "flashbulb" is a fast laser pulse dispersed in space and then stretched in time and detected electronically.
The approach will be instrumental in imaging fast-moving or random events, such as communication between neurons.
What is more, the camera works with just one detector, rather than the millions in a typical digital camera.
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wow... this is really amazing... just think of what you can do with this camera especially when you include it with iPhone 3G... lol it will surely shoot skyrocket the currently high price of the iPhone
Yeah man i think its great if you include this in iphone but its too complex thing i guess