Visual Studio 2010 in March 2010
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Microsoft lovers and .Net developers have a great news last october. Microsoft has annouced that it is ready to release the second beta version of VS 2010 and .net framework 4.0 on March 22 2010.
Microsoft products has the new features like Tivo-like recording feature that Microsoft has now dubbed "IntelliTrace." which actually deals with recording the things which were used on the tool earlier. I mean to say Microsoft plans to include the ability to record the full screens of what testers are seeing, as well as data about their machine. When a test application crashes, the technology will enable developers to see the bug as it occurred.
Microsoft has reached the home stretch for Visual Studio 2010," said Dave Mendlen, a senior director in Microsoft's developer division. "This is probably the biggest release we've had in many years."
Microsoft Developer Division Director Dave Mendlen said the feature is designed to avoid the all-too-frequent conflict that occurs when a software tester finds a bug that the developer says it can't reproduce. Internally, the feature has been called "TiVo for debuggers."
They are also talking about the new modeling tools which makes the programmers who are new to the team can easily understand how the earlier versions of the software worked. One of the other goals is to add more business intelligence tools--things like dashboards and cockpits--that enable the project managers to assess whether a development project is on track. "The guys that are paying the bills often get very little info," Mendlen said.
Also in default vs 2010 release includes the support for Winodws 7 and Azure. So guys lets wait and watch for the big release.
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