Yahoo's New Integrated phone Service
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
ON Tuesday Yahoo annouced a mobile phone service that includes e-mail,instant messagin , Social Networks.Its an open architecture , which means other's can improve the service and can add nwe applications or functionalities to it.
the service named as OneConnect and is going to be launched in the coming spring. On oneConnect, social networks will be integrated into contact lists, which in turn can be used to link into various ways of keeping in touch with friends, or keeping tabs on them — allowing users access to a wide range of services from Yahoo Messenger to Google Talk to AOL Instant Messenger and MSN Messenger.
OneConnect will roll out first in the United States.
There are other features like the address book will signal whether a contact is online and show his status as listed on social networks he belongs to — Facebook, MySpace and others allow users to notify friends of their whereabouts and activities.You can check the position of the contact using GPRS.
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